The magic of 'Deep Sleep', Here are five tips to get more of it

Do you feel lethargic and unproductive all day long? 

If your answer is yes, then hold on dear. You are suffering from deprivation of 'Deep Sleep'.
Deep sleep is something we, in psychology, believe to be really important to have for at least 23-30% of your eight hours long sleep at night. Considering your mental health, deep sleep could work as a catalyst to make you more productive, active in work, feel good and absolutely important for your mental functioning so that you stay positive. Why there is a need to stay positive?
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When our brain shows the slowest wave activity and our eye movement and muscle activities stops, we feel relaxed and this stage is deep sleep.

Why it is important to have deep sleep?

Deep sleep helps your body calm down. In lay man's language, we can call it- out body's recharge process, where it calms down and recover from all the stress it has gone through the entire day. Our blodd pressure go down and steady, to help our body repair mentally as well as physically. 

Also Read Mental health: Correct these five toxic habits at workplace to increase your productivity

Brain is a super computer

Your brain is supremely capable to do anything you want. So it is highly important to listen to each and every part of your body, including the master- The Mind. We keep logging in and out, which may cause hindrances like brain fogging, distractions and lack of concentration throughout the day. Feeling exhausted, stressed and in some case having muscular stress or tension is also because of not having deep sleep. 

4 Tips to get release from your mental strain

Here we have five ways for you to develop the habit of having deep sleep

1. Keep a watch on your caffeine intake. How much caffeine is too much caffeine?

2. Less alcohol, More water 

3. Follow proper schedule to go to your bed- Don't worry about by what time you have to wake up, just follow a static schedule to go to your bed on time every night. This will help your mind to easily get into the zen mode, log out of all the activities and take rest.

4. Take shower before your sleep - This is optional for those who like having cold/hot shower before going to bed but taking shower helps in reducing stress. It's a fact.

5. Take it easy! - Your job is not your life, so just go out, enjoy the rain, have fun with your friends. you wanna be alone, then take out time for yourself. But don't be lonely and stuck to the Excel sheets of your work. Have some fun!

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