Here's everything you need to know about the Economic Survey 2022

Economic Survey 2022 was tabled in parliament by the Finance Minister soon after President's address to both Houses of Parliament. As a citizen of the nation, we need to understand what this survey reflects about the wealth of India.

Here are key features of Economic Survey 2022-

Increase in inflation- To understand this term in a layman's language, supply chain disruptions and slow economic growth contributes to increase in inflation.  

Source: Wikipedia

As far as the global inflation in the year 2021-22 is considered, the surge in energy, food, non-food commodities, and input prices, sypply constraints, disruption of global chains and rising freight costs has stoked the global inflation.

Capital Volatility- Now what this word mean? The Economic Survey noted that, to stimulate an economic recovery, major economies had begun withdrawing liquidity that was extended during the pandemic in the form of stimulus checks and relaxed monetary policy.

Impact on Employment- Unemployment levels and labor force participation remain below per-pandemic levels, so a lack of jobs remains one of the main concerns for the Indian economy.

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