Attract anything in 17 seconds : The secrets of Law of Attraction

"You will get what you want", this is what the experts say. Many influential people on this Earth have experienced it and support it. But the question is- What is the law of attraction and manifestation? What is the hidden magic behind the law of attraction? 


What is law of attraction? 

Well to answer that, let us first discuss the psychology behind this intense law existing in the universe. Experts believe that it is a pseudoscience which is based on the beliefs that your thoughts define your will and ultimately leads to the choices you make and the process or plan you opt to execute what you want. So, your 'want' should be very clear.

Interesting! Right?

To define it in a more detailed way, Law of Attraction is basically, putting your energy in your desired outcome and it will definitely become fruition. 

Believe in your "right choice", channelize all your energy towards it, put you mind, body and soul aligned to it and you'll get it. 

It is as simple as it sounds. When you desire to get something, believe into your choices and decisions, then you try to solve the puzzles coming into the way to get it. You'll sail through the toughest pay simply by keeping an eye on your goal and following the path universe has decided for you.


Attract anything is 17 seconds

17 second rule to manifest your subconscious mind!

It is surprisingly amazing to know that you can attract anything towards you in just 17 seconds.

You need to hold a single thought for 17 seconds. Your 17 seconds should be singular and pure thought without any interruption and no other thoughts should come during this time. Abraham refers to this act as the 'combustion point'.

To understand Abraham Hicks, we first need to know about Esther and Jerry Hicks. This couple defined Abraham as 'infinite intelligence' or 'source energy'.

Abraham is not a physical human being but a conceptually strong inspirational leader in the spiritual world and Law of Attraction

Manifest your destiny with a clear plan

We often complain about how much we love to do something or desire to have it but don't get it. As a result, don't believe in this law but, my friend, question yourself before questioning your destiny and universe. 

How strongly you want it? 

How strongly you are trying to manifest this thoughts?

A clear plan is a must and then only things will fall as per your choice. If you'll remain confused about what you want, then you won't be able to get its solutions and keep distracted with the hurdles. 


Positive thoughts lead to positive result and vice-versa

Who wants negative things happening to themselves?

No one, Right!

This is when the Law of Attraction happens. We get what we attract, as simple as that. No need to think negatively, when you are winning or losing. We all win and lose, but what we can do even at our downfalls is think about the positives. Planning to get out of it. And before anything just accept the reality as quickly as possible. Then only you'll reach the stage that will allow you to think beyond what has to happen then and there. Then only you will be able to pave the path for yourself. It could be just to escape from the situation or to reach a certain milestone in your life. All that matters is- The Law of Attraction

Law of attraction is damn loyal, Trust me!

When it comes to measure the impact of the law of attraction and manifestation, as per my personal experience, it is very loyal. Loyal in the sense, whatever you think, you will get.

I learnt this lesson when I was going through a very low phase of my life and was going through depression and anxiety together. At that point of time, I just can't understand why things were happening so bad? Why everything is going south? Why it is happening with me only?

But sooner later, I realized that sometimes you don't get the answer of your "whys". 

Why? I still don't know. 

Sometimes you just need to let life be. Feel it. See it. Explore the way it is twisting and turning. 

Listen. Feel. Just be there.

And during that situation, I accepted it the way it is first and then tried to think beyond what my instincts were allowing me to do. 

After this incident, I don't want success, rather my desires have became more stronger now.

Guys, this is the strength of Law of Attraction.


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