Mental health: Correct these five toxic habits at workplace to increase your productivity

Working from home is a good idea in many ways, you need not to travel, stuck into traffic, deal with pressure of reaching office on time, etc, but like every coin have two sides, work-from-home culture too evolved and showed its side effects. 

The pandemic lead many of us to adopt some pretty toxic habits in our everyday routine.

Here we will be explaining some really surprising statistics with respect to the analysis done on google searches by people by the end of 2021.

There was a 53% rise is searches for 'chronic procrastination'.

Multitasking saw a 50% increase, workplace stress saw a 30% increase, decision fatigue saw an increase in 14% and along with this signs of burnout at works saw 22% increase in the google searches.

The above mentioned five toxic habits can take a toll on the mental health of people. This can ultimately leads to loss of productivity at work, job satisfaction and personal well being.

Tips to get rid of the such toxic habits

1. Setting your 'zen mode' : Yes, like your cell phone, you too have to set your limits and try to put yourself into 'zen mode'. Keep calm and composed.

2. Communication : We all are really good at hiding our real feelings. This is why, sometimes we don't know what the other person sitting next to us is thinking. We believe that our partner, parents or children don't understand our area of work and hence we never bother to share our mental stress with anyone. But, this is wrong. It is important to just share what you are feeling to someone who can listen to you. Specially women, who have to deal with multiple tasks through out their day.

3. Understand the meaning of mindfulness : Mindfulness is basically a practice of being in the present moment and this is 100 % useful to get rid of your stress for a time being and if you can practice it regularly, you'll definitely feel the change in yourself.

4. Understand the 'law of attraction' :  Whenever we talk about stress, anxiety or any such mental illness, we should always let people understand 'the law of attraction'. It is very simple, whatever you think, will happen. 

Trust me, this law is so loyal to us that if you think bad, bad will happen and if you think good , good will happen. 

5. Channelize your energy :
We all are putting our energies in different ways and it is extremely important to have the basic understanding of constructive thinking and destructive thinking. You have to develop constructive thinking.

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